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Hi, my name is Eva, and I love to build cool products.

I am a Software Engineer and started my career trying out a bunch of things. I started with web applications, dabbled in system automation, moved towards frameworks, and then landed on firmware. I currently work at Google as a Software Engineer developing for embedded platforms.

One thing that I’m passionate about is improving diversity within tech. Starting in college, I got involved with a club called WISH (Women Involved in Software and Hardware) at Cal Poly SLO. And since then, I’ve strived to help build communities of women that come together to support each other. Hopefully, one day, I can make a lasting impact in this space.

And like many others, I’m just trying to figure my way through life. I enjoy spending time with my family, hanging out with my friends, and trying new things. Hopefully I can share some of my experiences with all of you!