Some of My Cool College Projects

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I graduated from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. Cal Poly is known for their Learn By Doing motto and encourages hands on learning. As a result, I had the opportunity to participate and contribute to some very exciting projects. The following are a few of the most memorable projects I got to work on.

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Photo of RC Car by Eva Chen

Modeling Autonomous Vehicles through Radio Controlled Cars

January 2017 – June 2017

Autonomous vehicles have a lot of potential in improving people’s everyday lives. They could reduce congestion, reduce collisions, enhance mobility, and more. But with these benefits come security and privacy risks. In order to research and test some of these risks, I worked with other students on building a set of scale autonomous cars that can model autonomous and collaborative behaviors. This was accomplished using various sensors and control algorithms that would allow for future modularity.


September 2016 – March 2017

Developed a virtual experience on the Oculus Rift to help the Center for Coastal and Marine Sciences (CCMS) promote education and outreach. Goal was to create realistic and interactive content to enable users to experience diving under the Cal Poly Pier even during non-optimal weather conditions. This was done by creating a 3D environment in VR that users could explore and by collecting 360 imagery and footage that could be played back on the Oculus.

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Testing at Monterey Bay Aquarium by Eva Chen
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Testing at Disneyland CA

Team Tech with Disney Imagineering

September 2013 – June 2014

Worked with a multidisciplinary to design a non-slip navigation subsystem for roller coaster vehicles. The project was sponsored by Walt Disney's Imagineering Group and it's motivation was to increase efficiency in tracking ride vehicles. By increasing efficiency, it would be easier to ensure customer safety and improve user experience. Worked in the Electrical Hardware and Communications subgroups.

Eva Chen

Eva Chen

A random person :)